Bangkok voters want peaceful transition, development, end of corruption

MONDAY, MAY 15, 2023
Bangkok voters want peaceful transition, development, end of corruption

Voters in three Bangkok districts have urged the new prime minister to focus on developing the country, as all but one district in the capital voted in Move Forward candidates as MPs.

Voters in Khan Na Yao, Phaya Thai and Watthana districts also wanted the new government to prioritise people’s quality of life by boosting the economy, living conditions, agriculture and transport.

A Khan Na Yao district voter wearing a Spider-man costume said decisions made by voters at this election will transform Thai politics.

"I am among the new generation even though I am a little older than many," he said. "People should always exercise their voting rights because all votes are precious even though we each get only one vote."

Bangkok voters want peaceful transition, development, end of corruption

A female voter said she wanted a new-generation PM to stimulate the economy and improve people's quality of life. She said volatility in the global economy was hitting all groups of people in Thailand.

"I just renewed my ID card on Friday to participate in this election," she said. "The new prime minister should boost national development covering the economy, finance and careers, so all groups will have a better quality of life."

A senior voter in Khan Na Yao district urged the new government to tackle poverty and keep promises made during the election campaign. The incoming administration should eradicate corruption to improve people's quality of life, he added.

"Poor people do not have anything to eat, but [those in] the government have become rich," he said, adding that political parties promised a lot of things to give voters hope.

Bangkok voters want peaceful transition, development, end of corruption

A younger-generation voter in Phaya Thai district urged the new prime minister to reform society's infrastructure to prevent corruption, which has become a hot issue in Thailand.

"We feel that it [corruption] is unavoidable. In my opinion, there should be changes in infrastructure and corruption. If these things could change, I believe Thailand would improve," he said.

Bangkok voters want peaceful transition, development, end of corruption

A female voter in Watthana district hoped Thailand could move ahead in peace. She urged politicians to be honest, with high moral standards while loving Thailand and not seeking personal benefit.

"I hope the next government takes its duties seriously and does not commit cronyism," she said.

Bangkok voters want peaceful transition, development, end of corruption

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