Gen X may hold key to outcome of general election

FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023
Gen X may hold key to outcome of general election

Thailand's Generation X could determine the result of the May 14 general election, as more than 20 million of them have voting rights, a state authority said on Friday.

Citing the Interior Ministry's population database, the Department of Provincial Administration said that 52.24 million people would be eligible to cast their ballots in the general election on Sunday.

Generation X, or people born between 1963 and 1983, comprise the largest group with about 20 million people, followed by Generation Y, (born 1984-2003), around 17.9 million people, the department said.

The number of eligible voters divided by generation is as follows:

• Pre-baby boomers (born before 1948): 2,956,182 voters

• Baby Boomers (born 1948-1962): 9,326,314 voters

• Generation X (born 1963-1983): 20,882,235 voters

• Generation Y (born 1984-2003): 17,983,355 voters

• Generation Z (born 2004 and before May 16, 2005): 1,093,722 voters

The total number of voters in Bangkok classified by generation:

• Generation X - 1,777,588 voters

• Generation Y - 1,455,337 voters

• Baby Boomers - 869,461 voters

• Pre-baby boomers - 295,302 voters

• Generation Z - 81,467 voters

Gen X may hold key to outcome of general election

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