Netizens outraged at Bangkok Design Week’s AI-generated promotion

Netizens outraged at Bangkok Design Week’s AI-generated promotion

Netizens are up in arms at a promotional image posted on the Facebook wall of AriAround, an online community platform of the Ari-Pradipat neighourhood in Bangkok, claiming it uses AI (artificial intelligence) generated art.

The post on Saturday has attracted hundreds of comments stating that the use of AI art defeats the purpose of the event, which aims to promote the creativity of local artists and designers.

The page administrator responded on Monday, explaining that the platform has no internal graphic designers and that all the artwork was contributed by volunteers.

“This event has a tight deadline, with a lot of things to do, while our budget is also very limited,” the promoter wrote.

“We welcome any designers and illustrators who want to volunteer for this project. DM (direct message) us if you are interested,” the administrator added.

The response apparently displeased netizens, who said they should not host the event if they are not ready in terms of budget and manpower.

Scheduled to run from January 27 to February 4, the 2024 Bangkok Design Week will be hosted at selected venues throughout the city under the concept “relation-SHIFT”, aiming to promote co-living spaces and creative businesses, as well as improve Bangkok’s livability.

Planned activities include art exhibitions, seminar and workshop sessions, booths selling products and street food.

Bangkok Design Week has been included in the city’s annual event calendar since Bangkok was named a city of design under the UNESCO Creative City Network. It is organised by the Creative Economy Agency in collaboration with more than 60 Thai and international partner organisations as well as over 2,000 designers and businesses. The event attracts approximately 400,000 visitors each year.

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