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THB2-million plan to replace Parliament police uniforms under fire
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2022
The majority of Parliament police officers disagree with a plan to replace their uniforms after only six months of use, calling it a waste of money in a time of economic hardship.
ANA mechanic uniforms recycled into stylish bags
SUNDAY, JUNE 05, 2022
ANA Holdings Inc. launched the sale of bags recycled from mechanics’ work uniforms on May 30. The unusual items turned out to be popular, with the first release of about 350 bags selling out on the same day.
School uniforms crucial for a social fabric torn by inequality
THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2019
Re: “Scrap school uniforms and you reinforce ugly privilege”, Have Your Say, May 15.
Scrap school uniforms and you reinforce ugly privilege   
TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2019
Re: “Time to scrap uniforms, says Democrat”, Around Thailand, May 13.
Time to scrap school uniforms, says Democrat
SUNDAY, MAY 12, 2019
The government should scrap the rule requiring students to wear uniforms to school, in order to relieve the financial burden of parents, a prominent conservative politician has suggested.
Casual clothes allowed at prestigious school
SECONDARY students at the prestigious Bangkok Christian College left their uniforms at home and dressed casually for the first time yesterday.
No uniforms this time but we know who they are
SUNDAY, APRIL 08, 2018
War over centuries has been a formal affair. Opposing sides wore uniforms and identified themselves with flags that they protected with their lives.
Police chief touts reuse of uniforms by poor farmers
A National police boss has come up with an idea, calling for policemen to donate their old and unused uniforms of the royally-granted khaki shade known as “Sor Nor Wor 01” to be dyed a different colour and given to either poor farmers for use when working in the fields or to those hit by a disaster.
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