Poet Phaitoon accused of sexism in Yingluck genital wordplay
WRITERS, ACADEMICS and other experts have criticised the national literary artist, Phaitoon Thanya, for a poem they say discriminated on the basis of gender against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, by mentioning Yingluck’s vagina through flipped words.
THE COMPLEX concept of Pracha Rath (people’s state), a tripartite cooperation between the state, private sector and the people, has once again been penned into verse by the talent of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha in an attempt to show people the right approach to lead their lives.
THE COMPLEX concept of Pracha Rath (people’s state), a tripartite cooperation between the state, private sector and the people, has once again been penned into verse by the talent of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha in an attempt to show people the right approach to lead their lives.
“YOU ARE strong, tolerant, and have high integrity worth respecting.” These are the words Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has used to cheer up farmers in the latest poem he has penned.
“You are strong, tolerant, and have high integrity worth respecting.” These are the words Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has used to cheer up farmers in the latest poem he has penned.
PM pens another poem as morale booster for his Cabinet
TUESDAY, JULY 04, 2017
This time it was his Cabinet’s turn to benefit, with Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s talented poetry writing still in full flow as he penned another poem for his ministerial colleagues, aimed at boosting their morale by encouraging them to remain focused and work tirelessly for the people.
PM’s poem sparks literary showdown between two National Artists
MONDAY, JULY 03, 2017
AS GOOD as his stated intentions are to increase social harmony, Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has again sparked a political fire – this time between two National Artists.
The prime minister has once again demonstrated his literary skills, flaunting another of his poems, two days after he had written his first about the Thailand 4.0 era.