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Hello Kitty stamp blocks entry into Taiwan
MONDAY, MAY 20, 2019
A woman went online to advise fellow Thai nationals not to decorate their passports with pink Hello Kitty stamps because Taiwan will not let you in.
Krabi village leader trying to track down rubbish dumpers
Tourists in Krabi have found construction rubbish dumped just 4 metres from Hat Baan Laem Pong in Mueang district.
Trump blocks Broadcom's bid to buy Qualcomm
US President Donald Trump blocked Monday an unsolicited bid by Singapore-based Broadcom to take over smartphone chipmaker Qualcomm, citing national security concerns.
Facebook blocks 131 posts after Thai court order
FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2017
THE DIGITAL Economy and Society (DE) Ministry has managed to have Facebook block 131 remaining posts deemed illegal under a sweeping court order since Tuesday.
Elderly man blocks wrong convoy - thought it was for PM
TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017
An elderly man threw himself in front of a vehicle convoy for Pol General Adul Saengsingkaew, the Social Development and Human Security minister, at the Government House gate on Tuesday morning, after he thought it was a convoy for Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha.
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