Public and Private Sector team up to build Plastic Circularity Ecosystem


Applying the circular economy principle to address plastic pollution and turn waste into resources to drive the country's economic growth in a sustainable way.

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW), in collaboration with the Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), and the Public Private Partnership for Sustainable Plastics and Waste Management (PPP Plastics), has announced a robust partnership aimed at advancing the sustainable management of used plastics, preventing their entry into the environment, and transforming them into alternative feedstocks for the industry.

This collaborative effort involves over 20 organizations. In addition to the collaborators listed above, it includes the Plastics Institute of Thailand, and members of AEPW, namely, Dow, SCG Chemicals, and INSEE Ecocycle, who are all integral contributors.

Public and Private Sector team up to build Plastic Circularity Ecosystem

Public and Private Sector team up to build Plastic Circularity Ecosystem

Public and Private Sector team up to build Plastic Circularity Ecosystem

The Smart Recycling Hub Project is set to establish Material Recovery Facility (MRF) infrastructure and systems with the goal of recovering a minimum of 50,000 tons of high-quality plastic waste annually.

This initiative will commence with the feasibility study and engineering design development of MRF infrastructure and system models in Bangkok and the provinces of Chonburi, Rayong, and Chachengsao in the EEC area. The results from the feasibility study will inform the planning and development of MRFs and their associated ecosystem in the pilot area.

These MRFs are dedicated to managing and processing post-consumer recyclable materials, particularly plastics, to transform plastic waste into high-quality alternative feedstocks for the recycling industry, thereby increasing the value of reused materials. This project adheres to the principles of the circular economy and aligns with the national agenda on the Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy Model.

Public and Private Sector team up to build Plastic Circularity Ecosystem

"AEPW, a non-profit organization with a mission to prevent plastic waste from entering the environment, is delighted to witness the strong commitment and collaboration among government, private sectors, and civil society organizations to accelerate plastics circularity. We are pleased to support this initiative, which contributes not only to environmental conservation but also to enhancing the entire plastic waste management value chain. It represents the first ecosystem model in this region," commented Jacob Duer, CEO of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste.

Jim Fitterling, Chair and CEO of Dow and AEPW Chair

"As the Chair and CEO of Dow – and a representative of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste – it's important for me to stress how impressed I am with how this project is coming together. Collaborations like this make me more encouraged every day that – together – we can make a successful transition to a more circular economy and we can advance our communities and the world toward greater sustainability," added Jim Fitterling, Chair and CEO of Dow and AEPW Chair.

Pornphrom N.S. Vikitsreth, Adviser to the Governor of Bangkok (Environmental Affairs)

Pornphrom N.S. Vikitsreth, Adviser to the Governor of Bangkok (Environmental Affairs), stated, "One of BMA's key policies is "Bangkok: Clean City". BMA has been implementing waste segregation campaign "Mai Te Ruam", encouraging people to separate organic waste from dry waste. The cooperation of all parties under the Smart Recycling Hub project will be an essential element to support the policy implementation and scale up the campaign. In addition to creating more value of used materials while protecting the environment, it will eventually lead to the reduction of waste problems and costs of waste management."

Chutima Eamchotchawalit, Governor of TISTR

"The integrated cooperation of these implementing partners to establish the Smart Recycling Hub will enable us to effectively utilize the research, technologies, and innovations of Thai researchers in practical applications to address the country's plastic waste issue sustainably, aligning with Thailand's Bio, Circular, and Green Economy policy. We are pleased to be part of this initiative," added Chutima Eamchotchawalit, Governor of TISTR.

Veera Kwanloetchit, President of the Plastics Institute of Thailand and Secretary-General for PPP Plastics

"The Plastic Institute of Thailand is honoured to manage this initiative. We believe that this plastic circularity ecosystem-building project will enable the country to achieve its plastic waste management roadmap's goal of incorporating 100% of target plastic waste into the production stream by 2030," said Veera Kwanloetchit, President of the Plastics Institute of Thailand and Secretary-General for PPP Plastics.