Longevity is for poor people


Keerati "Tua" Cholasith is shopping like there's no tomorrow.


He tells Praew magazine that he’s bought more than 20 designer handbags this year, and none for less than Bt50,000. 
A friend suggested he should save some of his money, but Tua, who’s 55, pointed out he has no one to inherit it once he’s gone. The friend said he might live long and need the money for his old age. 
That at least got Tua thinking. He decided to go to an alternative-health centre in Germany to get his digestive and insomnia problems fixed, at a cost of Bt400,000. 
But then he remembered that his only sibling is dead and there’s just his mum left, so he cancelled the trip. “I don’t want to go,” he told his friend. “I’ve decided I don’t want to live that long.”
Family snaps
Model-actress Paula Buttery and her daughter Lila Jane will be on an upcoming cover of Praew, but evidently for less than the seven-digit fee that her daughter’s “debut” might command.
Paula denies the media calculation but remains tight-lipped about the actual figure. “It’s not about the fee – I just want to have nice photographs with her, and I knew Praew would take good care of her.”
At the shoot, Lila wasn’t at all camera-shy, much to the delight of the crew and Lila’s “fans” who were invited to watch. “Lila has her own fan club,” Paula explains – her and husband Edward’s friends.
Manly work
Mos Patipan and fellow entertainers continue to raise funds for flood victims – and help in other intriguing ways. 
Making the rounds with a donation box and singing to lift spirits, Mos realised that the military troops toiling in the floodwater needed some assistance too. 
He heard that some soldiers had contracted skin diseases from sitting around in underwear soaked with polluted water. So he bought them 500 pairs of fresh boxers. Overheard at the Defence Ministry: “Why didn’t we think of that?”