The SET sectors making up the index are: Agribusiness, Commerce, Fashion, Food and Beverage, Health Care Service, Tourism and Leisure, and Transportation and Logistics.
SET senior executive vice president Rinjai Chakornpipat said on Monday that the SETWB would reflect the performance of highly competitive securities which are instrumental to gross-domestic-product, generating wealth to Thais and the country.
The new index is expected to encourage the development of new products tracking the SETWB, such as exchange-traded funds and mutual funds.
The index is scheduled to launch on April 1, and to be reviewed every six months.
The top 30 stocks that are qualified and have that highest market capitalisation will be used in the calculation of the SETWB, while those stocks ranking 31st to 35th by market value will be placed on a reserve list, Rinjai said.
In addition, the SET will cap the maximum weight of each constituent in the SETWB to 10 per cent in each quarter.
The calculation for the first set of the SETWB Index will be based on information during the 12-month period from December 1, 2017 to November 30, 2018, the bourse executive added.