‘Red rose’ won the most hits on Google Thailand for Valentine’s last year

‘Red rose’ won the most hits on Google Thailand for Valentine’s last year

Rose was the most searched word in the first 13 days before Valentine’s Day last year, Google Thailand said on Sunday.

Citing results derived from its “Google Trends” tool, it said “red rose” was the most popular during that period, followed by white, yellow and pink rose.

“Rose, flower bouquet, flower, bear doll and chocolate are the most trending words every February,” Google Thailand said.

It added that the word “flower” was more popular than chocolate between February 1 and 14 last year, while the search for “flower” was 10 times higher than “chocolate” in 2004.

Love songs by British singer Ed Sheeran also proved to be the most popular during this period, it added.

“People also searched for Valentine’s Day cards, gifts, quotes, flowers and poems during this period,” Google Thailand said.

“Users also asked questions like what ‘be my Valentine’ means, what present should be given on Valentine’s Day and what colour rose means ‘first love’.”

The most popular tourist destination searched in the first two weeks of February last year were Koh Chang and Sai Khao Beach (Trat), Wat Khao Wong Phra Chan (Lopburi), Koh Samui (Surat Thani) and Koh Racha Yai (Phuket).

Google Thailand advised people to use the “Google Lens” application to search for Valentine’s Day presents for their loved ones this year.

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