AIA Group Limited (“AIA”; or the “Company”; stock code: 1299), the largest independent publicly listed pan-Asian life insurance group, announced today the extraordinary achievement of becoming the only multinational firm in history to have achieved the largest number of Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) members for seven consecutive years.
A record total of 16,017 AIA agents and agency leaders were registered as MDRT members
as of 1 July 2021, representing an increase of 25 per cent from 2020 and impressive growth of 783 per cent since the company’s IPO in 2010.
MDRT is a global and independent association that is internationally recognised as the standard of excellence in life insurance and financial services. Its members are required to generate
a certain level of premium, commission, and income, and demonstrate professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct, and outstanding client service.
Lee Yuan Siong - AIA Group Chief Executive and President
Bill Lisle - Regional Chief Executive and Chief Distribution Officer of AIA