Electric motorbikes in Tokyo can swap batteries as part of net-zero scheme


A battery-sharing service for electric motorcycles with removable batteries was launched in Tokyo last week as part of a bid to promote electric vehicles that have a low environmental impact.

Fifteen battery stations will be set up around Tokyo by the end of this fiscal year, allowing registered users to exchange a low battery for a fully charged one. The number of sharing stations is expected to increase over time, allowing electric motorcycles to travel further afield.

Batteries that conform to standards agreed by four key motorcycle manufacturers, including Honda Motor Co, can be charged at the stations.

Swappable batteries are currently used only in vehicles for corporate use, but the local government will introduce models for personal use in the future. Tokyo metropolitan government aims to make all new motorcycles sold in the capital to be gasoline-free by 2035.



“We hope that supporting the instalment of battery stations will accelerate the wider use of electric motorcycles,” Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike said at a launch ceremony held in Shinjuku Ward on Tuesday.

The Japan Times

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