Armed assailants invade Ecuadorian TV station live broadcast. | The Nation

Armed assailants invade Ecuadorian TV station live broadcast. | The Nation

The men armed with pistols and objects resembling dynamite went into the TC TV station in Guayaquil during a live show and shouted that they had bombs. Sounds similar to gunshots could be heard. No one was killed during the assault.

Armed assailants invade Ecuadorian TV station live broadcast. | The Nation
The men armed with pistols and objects resembling dynamite went into the TC TV station in Guayaquil during a live show and shouted that they had bombs. Sounds similar to gunshots could be heard. No one was killed during the assault. 

Armed assailants invade Ecuadorian TV station live broadcast. | The Nation

The police were able to arrest all 13 masked intruders, who will be charged with terrorism. The incident prompted the president to declare that the country had entered an 'internal armed conflict.'

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