Chart Pattana Kla has the right stimulus policies for Thailand: Suwat

Chart Pattana Kla has the right stimulus policies for Thailand: Suwat

The Chart Pattana Kla Party has a set of policies that will enable Thailand to overcome what it refers to as the country’s "economic crisis”, one of its candidates for prime minister, Suwat Liptapanlop, said on Tuesday.

Chart Pattana Kla's economic stimulus policies will create better jobs, generate income, and reduce the cost of goods, Suwat said during an interview on The Nation’s “Road to the Future” programme.

Its "Koratnomics" policy will transform Nakhon Ratchasima and nearby provinces into a massive economic zone, he added. The province of Nakhon Ratchasima, also known as "Korat", is the gateway to the Northeast – Thailand’s least economically developed region.

The party aims to create a new, sustainable economy for the country, Suwat said, adding that its first two priorities would be increasing the number of foreign tourist arrivals and dealing with debt.

Chart Pattana Kla has the right stimulus policies for Thailand: Suwat

He urged other political parties not to campaign on populist policies that require a large amount of government spending because Thailand is facing economic headwinds.

He pointed to the rising electricity and fuel prices as examples, and also mentioned that household debt in Thailand totals more than 90% of gross domestic product and that the country is becoming an ageing society.

Chart Pattana Kla has the right stimulus policies for Thailand: Suwat

The size of the country’s military will be examined to ensure it matches Thailand’s security needs, Suwat said. "Military reform is not a bad thing ... the need for military power has declined as Thailand has a proper foreign policy and an important role in Asean," he explained.

Conscripted soldiers should get an advantage in the job market after their service is complete because they have displayed discipline, gratitude and loyalty, Suwat added.

Chart Pattana Kla has the right stimulus policies for Thailand: Suwat

Suwat said he has the experience to lead Thailand to overcome economic and political crises. His party does not engage in disputes or conflict with other political parties but focusses on creating the political stability that will empower the next government to solve problems, he added.

Chart Pattana Kla has the right stimulus policies for Thailand: Suwat

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