All data submitted on ‘influential figures’ will be verified, warns Chada


Deputy Interior Minister Chada Thaiseth has warned people against submitting incorrect information on influential figures in their areas.

He said on Friday all the information submitted should be verifiable as it will be carefully screened by his ministry. Chada also warned people against slandering or bullying anybody.

The Interior Ministry, along with other agencies, initiated an effort to put together a list of “influential figures” in Thailand to ensure public safety and make administration transparent.

This move was prompted by the killing of a highway police officer during a party in the home of Praween “Kamnan Nok” Chankhlai on September 6. Praween is an influential figure in Nakhon Pathom province.

Chada said that so far, some 700 names have been submitted via the 088-8878888 hotline, and they will be divided into red and yellow categories.

“Red will cover those who have been accused of wrongdoing but lack evidence for arrest,” he said. “This will help officials prioritise their investigation efforts, which will also cover the financial trail, taxation history and business associations,” he said.

Chada added that the crackdown on influential figures, to be expected in the next few months, will aim to destroy this “influence” culture. Hence, he said, those taking advantage of people should stop immediately.

All data submitted on ‘influential figures’ will be verified, warns Chada

As for the public criticism of the 23 guns included in his assets list, which was submitted to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), he said the firearms were for collection only.

“I like collecting guns from different places that I have visited,” he said. “If the law demands that I turn in those guns, I am willing to comply.”

He added that despite being Muslim, he also collects Buddhist amulets, which were included in his assets list. “It is my personal preference and has nothing to do with religion. All amulets have already been checked [for legality] by the NACC,” he said.

Thai laws dictate that new Cabinet members must declare their assets and liabilities to the NACC within the first month of taking office.