Resistance forces beat back Myanmar attempt to seize their military base

Resistance forces beat back Myanmar attempt to seize their military base

Armed clashes continued on Friday in Myanmar’s eastern Kayah State, which is across Thailand’s Mae Hong Son province, leaving more than 50 dead and a dozen others injured.

The fight occurred after infantry units of the ruling Myanmar military junta were sent in to seize a military base of the joint resistance forces comprising the Karenni Army (KA), Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF), and the People's Defence Force.

The Myanmar Air Force also flew 11 rounds of fighter jets to bomb targets in Kayah State, injuring more than 10 rebel fighters, according to a source from the resistance forces.

The high-ranking source also claimed that more than 50 government troops were killed during the fierce battle and five soldiers were taken prisoners by the resistance forces.

Also, the resistance forces seized a large amount of heavy weaponry and ammunition from the government troops, according to the source.

This was the second incident of heavy fighting this week between the Myanmar government troops and the resistance forces. The previous one occurred on Monday (August 21). However, the Myanmar troops have failed to take control of the joint resistance forces’ base in the Karenni state.

Some Thai villagers in a Mae Hong Son border village said on Friday that Myammar fighter jets often crossed the border into Thailand during their attacks on the resistance forces in Kayah State. The villagers called on the Thai government to protest against what they viewed as a violation of Thailand’s sovereignty.

Resistance forces beat back Myanmar attempt to seize their military base Resistance forces beat back Myanmar attempt to seize their military base Resistance forces beat back Myanmar attempt to seize their military base

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