Bangkok commuters say train fares are too high, survey finds

SUNDAY, JULY 23, 2023
Bangkok commuters say train fares are too high, survey finds

The majority of commuters in Bangkok and its vicinity say they are spending too much on train services, according to a survey by Bangkok University.

The poll of 1,200 commuters in and around Bangkok was conducted from July 5 to 10 to find out what users of the BTS, MRT and Airport Link think about the services as well as how often they use them. The survey asked six questions.

How often do you use train services?

36.2% every day

38.2% some days

25.6% once in a while

How many trains do you take to reach your destination?

66.2% only one

33.8% more than one

How much do you spend on trains each day?

35.4% less than 50 baht

46.2% 51 to 100 baht

14.2% 101 to 150 baht

3.7% 151 to 200 baht

0.5% more than 200 baht

What makes using trains difficult? (multiple answers)

61.0% expensive fares

39.4% long walkways at interchange stations

25.7% having to use many cards

25.1% long waits to buy tickets at interchange stations

17.0% names of interchange stations do not match

6.3% other reasons (too many passengers during rush hour, long waits for trains, confusion while changing trains)

What should train operators do to improve services? (multiple answers)

61.0% reduce fares

48.5% offer one card for all trains

47.6% speed up the construction of train routes

31.3% offer a single-price service

2.9% other suggestions (increase the number of trains during rush hour, upgrade the train system, add more routes, add more interchange stations)

Are you satisfied with train services?

5.8% very satisfied

82.5% moderately satisfied

11.5% moderately unsatisfied

0.2% very unsatisfied

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