Thailand developing swappable battery packs to accelerate EV transition


Swappable battery packs are playing a starring role in Thailand’s push to become a low-carbon economy and regional hub for electric vehicles (EVs).

Swappable batteries can be changed in five minutes, meaning EVs don’t have to hang around for up to an hour at recharging stations.

Research and development of a swappable battery platform for electric motorcycles is being conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation in collaboration with the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) and other agencies.

The objective is to turbocharge Thailand's push to become a regional hub of EV use and manufacturing, in line with government policy.

The swappable battery project is also driving the government’s “30@30” goal of 30% zero-emission vehicles in Thailand by the year 2030, said Dr Pimpa Limthongkul, director of the Clean Energy Innovation Research Group at the National Energy Technology Centre (NTEC).

Electric motorcycles are an R&D priority for Thailand, where two-wheelers remain the most popular choice of vehicle among consumers. The market for EV motorcycles is also growing fast, with registrations surging 100% to 7,300 last year.

However, electric motorbikes still represent a small proportion of the 2 million-plus motorcycles produced in the country every year. This is mainly due to the higher purchase price of e-motorcycles and their limited ability to meet the full range of user needs.

Southeast Asian countries are known as motorcycle cultures, with Thailand alone boasting approximately 21 million bikes in use. The two-wheelers are used for various purposes, including food and package delivery services, taxis, and personal vehicles.

Like their conventional counterparts, electric motorcycles are available in a diverse range. However, current battery technology is still lagging behind the demands of riders, with a minimum of 30 minutes required for recharging.

Therefore, the concept of battery swapping, where batteries can be quickly exchanged in about 5 minutes – the time it would take to refuel with gas – has emerged as a solution.

However, turning that concept into reality is no easy task given the absence of a standard for swappable batteries and charging stations in Thailand. The ongoing R&D project was launched to develop a standardised swappable battery pack format for electric motorcycles that will allow riders to easily switch their empty battery for a fully charged one. The standard system is being designed to accommodate various brands and models of EV motorcycles to ensure a seamless battery-swapping service across the country.

Other participants in the project include Beta Engineering Solution, GP Motor (Thailand), Bangchak, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, I-Motor Manufacturing, Gridwhiz (Thailand), NSTDA, as well as research and development support from King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi and Khon Kaen University.

The research team has already developed a prototype swappable battery system that complies with international standards. The prototype features two models of electric motorcycles made by two different brands, serviced by battery swap cabinets installed at three charging stations. Testing and field trials are currently underway.

Dr Pimpa said the single standardised platform could also be shared by different battery-swap service providers. Sharing the infrastructure will reduce installation costs, increase convenience for EV bike users, and provide access to the latest battery technology at swap stations. It will also help reduce production costs of electric motorcycles and battery packs, contribute to disposal and recycling of end-of-life batteries, cut pollution, and most importantly, enhance technological development to elevate Thailand's new-era automotive industry, he said.

The project also aims to create other standardised EV products and services at affordable prices, promoting the widespread adoption of electric vehicles and creating a market for innovative industrial and service sectors.