Cabinet gives green light to two new lottery draws


The Cabinet on Tuesday gave a preliminary green light for the Government Lottery Office to launch a new digital lottery draw and a new three-digit lottery but asked for more details before final approval.

GLO director Lt-Colonel Noon Sansanakom told reporters after the weekly Cabinet meeting that it had approved in principle the Finance Ministry proposal for new GLO new products codenamed L6 (digital lottery) and N3 (3-digit lottery).

He said details of the new products would be submitted as soon as possible and could be approved even by a caretaker Cabinet ahead of the general election.

He said the Cabinet asked for details on how tickets for the new lotteries would be sold and how winners would get the money prizes.

The Cabinet asked the GLO to answer three questions.

Asked whether the new lottery products would help prevent overpricing of lottery tickets sold on the street, the GLO answered that new products launched in the past had succeeded in reducing street prices.

Asked if they would help reduce betting on the underground lottery, the GLO expressed confidence they would. It explained the N3 three-digit lottery tickets would provide four chances of winning – by matching three digits in order, three digits in any order, two digits, and the jackpot prize.

Asked if the new products would boost income for poor lottery sellers, the GLO confirmed the sellers would have the right to sell N3 three-digit tickets.

Cabinet gives green light to two new lottery draws The GLO explained earlier that the L6 product will have six digits like the current lottery system but will be sold online only.

It said N3 lottery tickets will be numbered from 000 to 999. They will be sold by representatives via an online platform at around 50 baht per ticket.

Both products will feature prize draws on the first and 16th of every month.