Their Majesties mark Makha Bucha Day with religious rites at Emerald Buddha Temple


Their Majesties the King and Queen participated in a religious merit-making ceremony on Monday evening to mark Makha Bucha Day.

The ritual was held at 5.26pm at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Si Rattana Satsadaram) in the outer court of the Grand Palace in Bangkok.

Their Majesties mark Makha Bucha Day with religious rites at Emerald Buddha Temple

After performing the ritual, Their Majesties poured melted gold in the mould for a Chatra (umbrella). The golden umbrella will be placed at the Maha Chakri Wachira Mongkol pagoda in the compound of Wat Pa Thamma Khiri in Nakhon Ratchasima's Pak Chong district.

Their Majesties mark Makha Bucha Day with religious rites at Emerald Buddha Temple

Makha Bucha Day commemorates the assembly of 1,250 enlightened monks (arhat) that took place more than 2,500 years ago.

Their Majesties mark Makha Bucha Day with religious rites at Emerald Buddha Temple

All the monks, who had been ordained by Lord Buddha, met spontaneously, with no prior scheduling, under the first full moon of March (the month of Makha).

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