Venus and Jupiter performing rare celestial dance in Thai skies


The planets Venus and Jupiter will perform a rare celestial dance over Thailand for the next three nights, according to astronomers.

The National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (Narit) said the two planets will be visible as they almost touch each other in the night sky on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Narit said Venus and Jupiter at their closest conjunction could be viewed with bare eyes on all three nights if skies are clear.

The two planets, which are now easy to spot in western skies after sunset from twilight onwards, have been creeping closer together for the past month. Venus and Jupiter performing rare celestial dance in Thai skies

Narit said the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter could be seen with bare eyes on the western horizon from sunset to about 8pm from every part of the country.

The planets are cuddling up close to the constellation of Pisces.

Narit explained that the celestial dance partners will appear in the following configurations:

- March 1: Jupiter will be seen about 0.8 degrees above Venus.

- March 2: Venus will be seen side by side with Jupiter about 0.6 degrees apart.

- March 3: Venus will be seen about 1.4 degrees above Jupiter.

The two planets will start drifting apart from each other on March 4.

Venus ranks as the third brightest natural body in the sky after the Sun and Moon.