Maj-General Nerdah Bo Mya, who commands the KNU forces in Kawthoolei at the border of Tak’s Phop Phra and Umhphang districts, said on Sunday that he would help find the two men. The men, a Hmong tribesman and a Myanmar national, reportedly fled into KNU-controlled territory.
To launch the manhunt, the commander said he would require photographs and an official request from the Thai police.
On Thursday afternoon, four masked men on two motorbikes rode up and shot at the window of a gold shop in Tak’s Muang district to try and break in.
But the owner fired back, severely injuring one before police swooped in and arrested the injured and another. The other two fled across the border into Myanmar.
Related story:
2 get away, 2 nabbed as police, gold shop owner foil robbery in Tak