Capital investment up by THB200m in 2022, but nearly 22,000 businesses fold up

Capital investment up by THB200m in 2022, but nearly 22,000 businesses fold up

As many as 21,880 businesses with a total registered capital of 127.04 billion baht ceased operations in 2022, the Department of Business Development said on Wednesday.

"This is in line with liquidation trends in the past five years," said Thosapone Dansuputra, the department’s director-general.

The top three types of businesses going into liquidation were: 2,012 general building construction enterprises, which accounted for 9% of total enterprises that went into liquidation, followed by 1,023 real estate firms (5%), and 623 restaurant businesses (3%).

Businesses with less than 1 million baht capital accounted for 71.52%, or 15,649 businesses. It was followed by 5,200 businesses with capital of 1-5 million baht (23.77%); 916 businesses with 5-100 million baht capital (4.19%), and 115 businesses exceeding 100 million baht capital (0.53%).

In 2022, 76,488 new businesses were established across the country, 3,530 — or 5% — more than in 2021.

The top three businesses were general construction (7,061), accounting for 9%; real estate (4,833), accounting for 6%; and restaurant (3,014) accounting for 4%.

Total capital investment of newly established business was 429.82 billion baht in 2022, up 200.02 billion baht, — 87.04% — over 2021.

Of the newly established businesses, 52,674 (68.84%) have capital of less than 1 million baht; 22,583 businesses (29.52%) have capital in the range of 1-5 million baht; 1,014 businesses (1.33%) have capital of 5-100 million baht; and 217 businesses (0.28%) have capital of over 100 million baht.

Capital investment up by THB200m in 2022, but nearly 22,000 businesses fold up

As many as 850,480 businesses with a total capital of 21.19 trillion baht are operating in Thailand, as of December 2022.

Of the total, 200,437 — 23.57% — were limited partnership and registered ordinary partnership; 648,661 — 76.27% — were limited companies; and 1,382 — 0.16% — were public limited companies.

Meanwhile, 499,669 businesses — 58.75% — have less than 1 million baht in capital, followed by 257,061 businesses (30.22%) with 1-5 million baht capital, 76,340 businesses (8.98%) with 5-100 million baht capital, and 17,410 businesses (2.05%) with more than 100 million baht.

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