Tourism sector advised to embrace digital technology

Tourism sector advised to embrace digital technology

The tourism industry must utilise digital technology widely to increase the opportunity to find additional revenue and more tourists, the Digital Economy and Society Ministry advised at a press conference on Wednesday.

Digital Economy and Society Minister Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn was part of the conference on the “Thailand Travelution 2022” project.

He said the project highlights the important government policy of using digital and modern technology to develop every sector, including tourism.

Digital technology has been used by the tourism industry, Chaiwut said, but tour operators must develop the system to “build trust” to be “more reliable”.

Tourism sector advised to embrace digital technology

The minister said digital technology in the new era will come with better screening, as there will be various platforms to help take care of this.

In the future, it will connect databases among related sectors in operating businesses as the Government Big Data Institute will team up with the Digital Economy Promotion Agency to boost tourism, he pointed out.

“[I] thank all related sectors, including the Tourism Authority of Thailand and the Tourism Council for helping organise this event to develop Thailand’s tourism industry,” Chaiwut added.

Tourism sector advised to embrace digital technology

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