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Visit the spooks at Red Cross and give them your blood on Halloween
If you are healthy and a blood donor, grab this chance to make a Halloween-style donation at the Thai Red Cross Society on October 31. All Red Cross officers, dressed as ghosts, are waiting for your blood and will give you a “mummy blood” pen in return.
Red Cross attracts blood donors in annual celebration
SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2018
Many members of the Thai public presented themselves at the Thai Red Cross Society’s National Blood Centre in Bangkok on Sunday to make blood donations, as the centre hosted activities to mark “World Blood Donor Day”, which is celebrated annually on June 14.
Thai Red Cross ‘Missing Type’ project urges donors to give blood more often
TUESDAY, JUNE 05, 2018
Only 55 per cent of blood donors give blood annually, with just 8 per cent of them doing so every three months, the director of the Thai Red Cross Society’s National Blood Centre said on Tuesday.
Thais framed for ‘smile of happiness’ on Red Cross Day
TUESDAY, MAY 08, 2018
To celebrate “World Red Cross Day 2018” on Tuesday, the Thai Red Cross Society has invited Thais to be among 30,000 people creating a composite “smile of happiness”, by changing their profile frames online into those of the organisation’s annual “smile”-themed celebration frame.
Urgent call for blood donors in lead-up to Songkran
The Thai Red Cross Society is calling on people to donate blood before the upcoming Songkran Festival, when supplies will be needed for life-saving medical services.
All the fun of the fair
Having been well received by the general public for five decades, the Thai Red Cross Society and spouses of diplomats in Thailand are hosting a major charity event, the 51st Diplomatic Red Cross Bazaar.
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