Solar energy to power Thai auto-parts giant

MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2020
Solar energy to power Thai auto-parts giant

A leading auto-parts manufacturer is installing solar panels to drive production at its second Thai factory, marking another step by industry towards renewable power sources

Asno Horie (Thailand) Co Ltd has contracted WHA Utilities & Power Plc (WHAUP) to install a 2,012KW solar rooftop at its new plant in Rayong, following a similar project at its other plant in March. The second project is expected to begin generating revenue in October this year.
WHAUP says the new contract will drive its electricity-generating capacity, in terms of shareholding equity, to more than 597MW, exceeding the full-year target of 591MW.
Asno Horie will use its two solar rooftops, with total capacity of 3,629KW, to power its auto-parts production lines.
The company said the switch to solar power was in line with its policies on energy saving, environmental protection and reducing the impact of greenhouse-gas emissions. The solar rooftops will reduce electricity costs by up to Bt230 million during the 25-year contract and offset CO2 emissions, it added.

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