Rangsiman accuses PM of nonfeasance in Thaksin’s ‘fake illness’ case


Rangsiman Rome accuses PM Paetongtarn of failing to act on Thaksin’s alleged fake illness, claiming it was a ploy to keep him out of prison.

People’s Party MP Rangsiman Rome on Tuesday accused Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra of dereliction of duty for failing to order an investigation into allegations that her father, former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, pretended to be seriously ill to avoid imprisonment.

Opposition Highlights Alleged Collusion

The second day of the censure debate against Paetongtarn began at 8 am, with Rangsiman alleging that senior government officials conspired to ensure Thaksin avoided jail after his return to Thailand in August 2023.

During his 100-minute speech, Rangsiman’s arguments were frequently interrupted by Pheu Thai MPs, who objected to his references to an outsider unable to defend himself.

Rangsiman accuses PM of nonfeasance in Thaksin’s ‘fake illness’ case

Allegations of Preferential Treatment at Police Hospital

Rangsiman pointed out that while the alleged faking of Thaksin’s illness occurred before Paetongtarn assumed office in mid-2024, she failed to take legal action against those responsible for allowing her father to stay on the 14th floor of the Police Hospital instead of in prison.

He further alleged that Paetongtarn provided Thaksin with a smartphone while he was being “detained” in the hospital, violating Corrections Department regulations, which strictly prohibit inmates from using mobile phones.

Rangsiman accuses PM of nonfeasance in Thaksin’s ‘fake illness’ case

Lack of Integrity Cited as Reason for PM’s Unfitness

According to Rangsiman, Paetongtarn’s actions to assist her father in avoiding jail proved she lacked the integrity required to govern the country. He cited official visitor records showing that she was among the ten individuals permitted to visit Thaksin in his VIP hospital room.

Claim of Secret Deal Between Thaksin and Prayut Government

Rangsiman alleged that former Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha’s administration struck a deal with Thaksin, allowing him to return to Thailand under conditions that enabled him to remain in the hospital rather than the Bangkok Remand Prison.

He further accused Paetongtarn of being involved in this arrangement, which he claimed was designed to ensure Thaksin would never spend a night in jail.

Evidence Suggesting Thaksin Was Not Seriously Ill

One of the key pieces of evidence Rangsiman presented was Thaksin’s ability to personally draft his royal clemency appeal, despite supposedly suffering from a severe illness.

“Thaksin filed his appeal just seven days after being admitted to the Police Hospital, where he was claimed to be critically ill,” Rangsiman stated. “If he were truly in a dire condition, how could he have prepared the appeal himself?”

He also cited findings from the National Human Rights Commission, which questioned the credibility of Thaksin’s alternating severe and normal health conditions. The commission reportedly concluded that Thaksin likely faked his illness to justify his prolonged hospital stay.

Allegations of Rewarding Officials for Favourable Treatment

Rangsiman accused Paetongtarn of later rewarding officials who assisted in keeping Thaksin out of prison. He alleged that the chief of the Police Hospital was subsequently appointed to the board of IRPC, earning a salary of one million baht per year.

Additionally, he claimed that the brother of the doctor who certified Thaksin’s illness switched allegiance from the Democrat Party to Pheu Thai, implying this was a form of repayment for assisting Thaksin.

Conclusion: A ‘Jailbreak’ Facilitated by the PM

In his closing remarks, Rangsiman equated the actions of Paetongtarn and her collaborators to orchestrating a jailbreak. He accused senior officials from the Police Hospital and the Corrections Department of violating Articles 209 and 210 of the Criminal Code by engaging in organised crime.

“If the criminal den known as Chan Song Lar is raided, many wrongdoers will be brought to justice,” he declared.

“Thaksin has not spent a single night in jail due to the prime minister and her allies cutting a deal that exchanged national interests for personal gain, thereby undermining the rule of law and the judicial process.”