Move Forward can help bridge differences in Thai society: Pita

FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024
Move Forward can help bridge differences in Thai society: Pita

Opposition party leader says people’s needs are simple, but they can only be met if Thai politics is cleaned up and a ‘new consensus’ is found

Pita Limjaroenrat, once a frontrunner for the PM’s job, has described his Move Forward Party as a “bridge” that will connect conflicting groups and help find “a new consensus” for Thai society. 

He also pointed to the need to reform all of Thailand’s political institutions to help cut down on conflicts that have the potential to spark violence and losses. 

Pita, Move Forward’s former leader, was speaking at a panel discussion on “Navigating Leadership in the Era of Hyper-Uncertainty World” at the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul on Thursday.

At the discussion, Pita explained the strategies that helped Move Forward secure an election victory last year and the political events that ensued as rivalling alliances battled to form a new government. 

The opposition politician also talked about the general Thai public’s struggle against the ruling elite and the aftermath of the country’s many military coups. He said his party was sincere in serving as a bridge to help the country “find a new consensus” as well as close the “gaps” and conflicts in Thai society. There is also a need to reform Thailand’s political institutions, so the chance of violence and losses can be reduced, he said. 

Pita was asked by the discussion’s host how he viewed the differences between Thais who want speedy changes and those who oppose changes.

“Changes must be done in slow and fast rhythms, like the melody of music. Some important issues may need to be changed first. Other issues that require careful consideration and time may take longer to change gradually. The point is everyone must be allowed true participation in setting the future of Thailand,” he said.

When asked how he envisioned Thailand’s future, Pita said the Thai public has a simple dream of living a good life, making a good living and ensuring their and their family’s well-being.

“But this dream will never come true as long as Thai politics is not good,” he added.

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