New charity lottery to fund 10bn baht scholarship project from Feb

New charity lottery to fund 10bn baht scholarship project from Feb

Proceeds from 11 million tickets to fund overseas university education for talented students nationwide through One District One Scholarship project

The Finance Ministry will request Cabinet approval for a new charity lottery, seeking 10 billion baht to fund the government’s One District One Scholarship (ODOS) project.

ODOS will hand top students across the country the chance to study at foreign universities.

Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat

The new lottery is due to launch in February next year, Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat said on Monday. The Office of the Civil Service Commission will supervise the ODOS project.

Proceeds from the charity lottery will create education opportunities and human resources for Thailand, Julapan said.

A total of 80 million tickets will be offered for each draw – 69 million for the existing lottery and 11 million for the charity lottery. The allocation of digital tickets will remain unchanged at 25 million, Julapan added.

Proceeds from the charity lottery sales will also fund other social projects, including procurement of medical supplies for hospitals.

Charity lottery winnings will be taxed 1% for social contributions compared with 0.5% for the common lottery. Proceeds from the common lottery go towards government efforts for national development.


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