According to the Thai Meteorological Department’s weather advisory on Friday, a rather strong high-pressure system from China will extend over upper Thailand, where hot to very hot conditions are currently prevailing. This will lead to outbreaks of summer storms, strong winds and hail in some areas during the initial period.
Following the storms, temperatures in the Northeast are expected to drop by 5-8°C, accompanied by strong winds. Other regions will experience a 2-4°C temperature decline with similarly strong winds.
“People in the upper country and the upper South should stay safe from the severe weather conditions by keeping off outdoor places, large trees and unsecured buildings,” the department said.
“Farmers should prevent for crops damage and livestock danger. People in the upper country should keep healthy due to variable weathers.”
Meanwhile, the easterly and southeasterly winds prevailing over the Gulf of Thailand, the South and the Andaman Sea are expected to intensify, bringing more rain and isolated heavy showers in the South from March 17-20.
Wave heights in the lower Gulf could reach two to three metres, with heights exceeding three metres in thundershower areas. In the upper Gulf, waves could range from one to two metres, rising beyond two metres during storms.
“All ships in the Gulf and Andaman Sea should proceed with caution and keep off thundershowers area,” the department said, “Small boats in the lower Gulf and offshore of Andaman Sea should keep ashore.”