PM underscores learning and adaptation as motto for Children’s Day

PM underscores learning and adaptation as motto for Children’s Day

Paetongtarn presides over Children’s Day activity at Education Ministry headquarters

Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra on Saturday urged Thai youth to seize learning opportunities and adapt to the changing world as she presided over a Children’s Day activity at the headquarters of the Education Ministry in Bangkok. 

Held under the theme “Smart Kids, Happy Future”, the event was joined by Education Minister Permpoon Chidchob, ministry executives, and students from schools in the metropolitan area.

The PM witnessed stage performances and speeches by young students before handing Children’s Day gifts to participants, such as sport equipment and teddy bears.

PM underscores learning and adaptation as motto for Children’s Day

In her keynote speech, Paetongtarn explained why this year’s Children’s Day motto is “Every opportunity is a learning experience – be ready to adapt to the future you choose.”

“We can learn at every age and stage of life, regardless of being children or adults. Everyone has the ability to learn,” she said. “When we keep an open mind, be ready to listen and learn from one another, that is the opportunity for growth.”

She added that young people should understand that the world is changing rapidly. With the fast advancement of technology, everyone must be ready to adapt to the times, to understand their own worth, and be prepared to embrace the future, she said.

The PM then visited booths demonstrating education projects and innovations by government agencies and the private sector at the event, and took group photos with children and parents who attended the fair.

PM underscores learning and adaptation as motto for Children’s Day

Earlier on Saturday morning, Paetongtarn and her husband Pitaka Suksawat took their two children to a Children’s Day activity at Government House in Bangkok, where the PM’s family took a group photo with a giant statue of Moo Deng, the celebrity baby hippo.

PM underscores learning and adaptation as motto for Children’s Day

Thailand has celebrated Children’s Day on the second Saturday of January since 1966. Before that, Thais had observed Children’s Day on the first Monday in October, in line with the celebrations of several other countries.

PM underscores learning and adaptation as motto for Children’s Day

The change was made by the Cabinet to accommodate Thai weather, as October tends to be very wet and therefore not suitable for outdoor activities. Furthermore, more parents can take their children to activities on Saturday compared with working days.

It is also a Thai tradition for the prime minister to give the Children’s Day motto.

PM underscores learning and adaptation as motto for Children’s Day

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