FDA and Chinese officials discuss regulations on safe food products

FDA and Chinese officials discuss regulations on safe food products

Issues related to the import of fruits and vegetables from China high on agenda

Thai officials held talks in Bangkok with a delegation from China’s embassy in Thailand on regulations concerning pesticides and pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables.

The deputy secretary-general of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dr Lertchai Lertvut, welcomed Zhang Xiaoxiao, economic and commercial counselor at China’s embassy, and her delegation on Friday (November 8). 

FDA and Chinese officials discuss regulations on safe food products


The meeting aimed to establish collaborative working standards and promote mutual understanding, particularly on ongoing issues related to the import of fruits and vegetables from China. Future cooperation will involve the exchange of information on pesticides used in China and packaging data for products registered under China’s standards, as well as inspections of packing facilities in China.

They also discussed concerns regarding Chinese supermarkets selling food products not approved by the FDA. There will also be academic cooperation to educate Chinese importers and exporters.


“The FDA and the People’s Republic of China share the same goal: to ensure that consumers in both countries receive high-quality, standard-compliant products, delivered correctly and efficiently. Both sides will enforce strict import-export checks. Consumers can trust and be confident in health products from both countries,” Lertchai said.

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