Thailand postpones automated entry for foreign tourists


The implementation of an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) system for foreign tourists entering Thailand has been postponed, the Foreign Ministry announced on Monday.

The ETA system, designed to streamline immigration procedures for visitors, was originally scheduled to launch in December 2024. However, the ministry said a launch date had yet to be determined as coordination with relevant agencies is still ongoing.

The ETA system will allow foreign tourists from 93 countries granted visa-free entry to register online prior to their arrival in Thailand. The QR code they receive on registration can then be used to pass through automated immigration gates. ETA will eventually be incorporated in Thailand’s transition to an electronic visa system.

Thailand postpones automated entry for foreign tourists

The ministry said it remained committed to implementing ETA but was currently working with other government agencies to finalise the details and ensure a smooth launch.

Thailand postpones automated entry for foreign tourists

Travellers are advised to monitor updates from the Foreign Ministry and the Immigration Bureau for the latest information on the ETA system's launch date.

Thailand postpones automated entry for foreign tourists