MEA urges public support for crackdown on illicit bitcoin mining


The Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) is urging the public to report any suspected cases of electricity theft for bitcoin-mining operations, according to a statement released on Saturday.

The authority warns that offenders will face both civil and criminal prosecution, with theft charges carrying severe legal consequences.

MEA officials emphasise that illegal tapping of electricity for bitcoin mining not only constitutes theft but also poses significant safety risks, including the potential for short circuits. 

The authority has previously investigated several cases involving commercial buildings that were suspiciously vacant yet exhibited telltale signs of bitcoin-mining activities, such as sealed entrances, constant loud fan noise, and air-conditioning running around the clock.

To encourage public participation, the MEA assures that all reports will be treated with strict confidentiality. Citizens who suspect illegal electricity use for bitcoin mining can report their concerns through various channels:

  • The MEA Smart Life Application, available for both iOS and Android devices, which offers 24-hour reporting functionality.
  • The official LINE account: MEA Connect (@MEAthailand), identifiable by the green shield symbol preceding the account name. Users should select the 'Contact MEA Call Center' menu option.
  • The MEA Call Center Online, reachable at 1130

MEA urges public support for crackdown on illicit bitcoin mining

This initiative comes as part of broader efforts to curb the misuse of electrical infrastructure and ensure fair energy-consumption practices across the metropolitan area. 

The MEA stresses that public vigilance is crucial in identifying and preventing such illegal activities, which not only compromise the electrical grid but also result in significant financial losses for the authority and, by extension, law-abiding consumers.