Lashio residents unlikely to seek refuge in Thailand: security agency

TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2024

Tak-based Naresuan Force believes people from the largest town in northern Shan State are likely to flee only temporarily if at all

Thailand’s Naresuan Force does not believe there will be a huge influx of refugees from Lashio where a new round of conflict has broken out between Myanmar military and ethnic armies.

Lashio is the largest town in northern Shan State.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Naresuan Force, which is headquartered in Tak province and ensures security at the Thai-Myanmar border, said residents of Lashio may leave their homes temporarily, but will return as soon as battles subside.

“These people have their own homes and businesses in Lashio. There will be no need for them to seek refuge in Thailand,” the statement said.

Lashio residents unlikely to seek refuge in Thailand: security agency

The Naresuan Force issued the statement in response to social media posts showing clips of people leaving Lashio en masse.

The posts have reportedly sparked concerns among Thai netizens that the latest development in the neighbouring country would pose a burden on border provinces, which historically struggle with thousands of refugees whenever conflicts erupt in Myanmar.

In the statement, the Naresuan Force pointed out that Lashio is a fair way away from the Thai border, while the route to the border is unsafe because there are three areas under the control of ethnic groups.

The quickest route from Lashio to Thailand is approximately 576 kilometres long via a border in Chiang Mai province.

“The Naresuan Force and related security agencies are monitoring the situation closely, and have prepared plans in case Myanmar refugees were to enter Thailand via the different border towns,” the statement said.