Coalition whip seeks info on alleged selling of House panel posts

MONDAY, JULY 08, 2024

Wisut promises immediate action if any suspects are found, denies his driver has been flogging posts

Chief coalition whip Wisut Chainarun on Monday urged the public to provide him with information on the alleged buying and selling of posts in House committees.

Wisut was responding to earlier reports that his driver, identified only as Kasian, had colluded to sell positions on House panels to outsiders who wanted to make their profiles impressive.

The coalition whip said that if anyone has information on the subject, they can send it to him and he will get the chairman of coalition-led House panels to help investigate the issue.

Wisut also insisted that his driver had nothing to do with the gang that sold posts, and that he has instructed Kasian to file a police complaint that he had been deceived into acting as a recipient of money for the gang.

The allegations of posts on House panels being bought and sold came after allegations surfaced that a private university was selling degrees to wealthy students without them having to study.

At the centre of the allegations was Win Win Foundation’s president Chalida Palamart, better known as Ton Or, and she runs a Facebook page called Pen Nueng.

Many people have made allegations that Chalida promised them a degree for 200,000 baht each, while some alleged that she had promised posts on some House panels in exchange for money.

Meanwhile, Wisut’s driver filed a police complaint on Saturday claiming that Chalida had talked him into letting her use his bank account to receive money.

Kasian said he and Chalida have known each other from school, so he did not suspect anything when she called him on Christmas Day last year, asking to use his bank account. She allegedly claimed the money was an enrolment fee for Phitsanulok University, and told him to forward some of the funds to a lecturer in the university.

He said she claimed that she could not do the transfers herself because her banking app was showing errors.
Kasian said 99,500 had been wired to his account on January 25 and Chalida asked him to transfer 50,000 baht to the lecturer and save the rest for her.