Truckers put off planned protest to avoid spoiling King’s birthday

TUESDAY, JULY 02, 2024

Federation postponed Wednesday’s protest in honour of His Majesty but said it hopes the government will soon respond to its demands

The Land Transport Federation of Thailand announced on Monday that it was postponing the rally it planned to hold on Wednesday in Bangkok to avoid creating a negative atmosphere ahead of the King’s 72nd birthday.

His Majesty’s birthday on July 28 will mark the sixth cycle according to the Buddhist calendar and is of great significance.

The federation comprising 12 trucking associations nationwide was planning to hold a large rally on Wednesday to protest against the government’s inaction to control rising diesel prices.

“We are grateful for the royal kindness and have decided not to hold activities that might upset His Majesty,” the federation said in a statement. “However, if the government still ignores our demand, we will continue holding activities to highlight our stance. Details will be announced later.”

On June 11, the federation petitioned the government demanding that it be allowed to increase transport fees by 3-9% for every one-baht increase in the 30-baht per litre base price of diesel.

In May, the Cabinet capped the retail price of diesel at 33 baht per litre, despite trucking companies’ protest that any increase beyond 30 baht per litre would affect their business severely.

As of Tuesday, the retail price of diesel stood at 32.94 baht per litre.