Myanmar: Lashio residents use white flags to relocate to other cities

FRIDAY, JULY 05, 2024

Residents of Lashio city are moving to other areas by putting up white flags on their vehicles to other cities, said locals.

They are leaving the city due to the ongoing fighting in and around Lashio, northern Shan State.

It is reported that many Lashio locals are leaving by putting up white flags on their vehicles.

“More than three days after the fighting started, many people left the city. They went with white flags on their cars. Some of them send the elderly to their close relatives,” said a resident of Lashio.

“We don't dare to stay here anymore. The main fear is the fear of homemade rockets. They were out of control, and I felt that we were no longer safe. That's why I'm going back to the central region of Myanmar, where my relatives live,” said Daw Aye, a local greengrocer.


As many residents of Lashio are leaving for other cities, the queue of vehicles waiting to cross the river by raft at the Sink-In pier on the Lashio-Mandalay Union Highway will be as many as thousands of vehicles, estimated the residents.

“The car left Lashio at 11 am. Today, it is still at the Sink-In pier. I know that it will be able to cross today in the evening. As for the cars left today, I don't know what day they will have to pass the pier. Many cars are leaving Lashio today,” Ko Myo said.

In the ongoing fighting near Lashio city, at least ten people have been killed due to the attack of homemade rockets that were fired into the city.

“The other day, a homemade rocket hit Pan Oak School and cars caught fire. At that school, three people, including a small child who had fled the war, were hit and killed. Yesterday, it is known that three people were killed by a homemade rocket that fell Byone Taung in Ward 9. It also fell on an elementary school, destroying the school building,” said a local.

Due to the ongoing fighting near Lashio City, many locals are leaving their homes, and fewer shops are opening in Lashio City.

On July 5, heavy gunfire and small arms fire were often heard around the city of Lashio.

Eleven Media

Asia News Network