BTS new normal: no phone chatting or face-to-face riding


The BTS Skytrain system has cancelled its seat-spacing measure in order to increase passenger capacity after schools and colleges reopened on Wednesday (July 1).

Social distancing has been relaxed to boost convenience for passengers, said Surapong Laoha-Unya, Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) chief executive officer. 
However, stations and trains will limit the number of passengers to 70 per cent of normal capacity so as to prevent overcrowding on the system. The BTS is also operating “group release” measures for passengers in the morning and evening rush hours, to prevent overcrowding on platforms.
Meanwhile, passengers are being advised not to talk on their phones and to avoid facing each other at close proximity.
Frequency of rush-hour service is 2 minutes, 25 seconds for trains on the Sukhumvit Line, and 3 minutes, 45 seconds for the Silom Line, said the operator.
Temperature checks and ThaiChana scanning remain in place on the system.