Water agency to pursue new strategies amid climate change challenge

Water agency to pursue new strategies amid climate change challenge

The country's top water resources agency is considering applying environmental measures in water management strategy to cope with climate change in keeping with the agenda of a recent UN meeting.

Secretary-general of the Office of the National Water Resources (ONWR), Dr Somkiat Prajamwong, said on Thursday after attending the 25th United Nations Climate Change conference in Madrid that many countries had shown their intention to fight climate change.

Water agency to pursue new strategies amid climate change challenge
“The ONWR will set the policy and action plan with the Office of National Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) and Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), starting in the Yom and Sakae Krang Rivers in order to apply environmental measures in water management,” he said.
“In addition, the Office will cooperate with over 40 water-related authorities to prepare a training course to create awareness on water management and the impacts of global warming for officers in order to increase their potential to adapt to climate change.”

Water agency to pursue new strategies amid climate change challenge
He added that the ONWR and ONEP have discussed preparing a policy brief to support this measure, which is also in accordance with the 20-year Master Plan on Water Resource Management.
“The Office will join hands with GIZ to publish an Ecosystem based Adaptation plan, which is an environmental measure to deal with global warming,” he added.

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