Public Health ministry gears up for seasonal PM2.5 air pollution

Public Health ministry gears up for seasonal PM2.5 air pollution

The top official at the Public Health Ministry and ministry administrators held a video conference with physicians in provincial public health centres nationwide to be prepared and monitor the health impact of PM2.5 dust particles, which usually increase in December every year.

The video conference was arranged on Friday (November 22) at the Public Health Emergency Operation Centre, the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Nonthaburi province.
Ministry permanent secretary Dr Sukhum Kanchanapimai urged the physicians to be prepared to deal with the dust particle situation, to provide information to people, especially asthma patients, the elderly, children and patients, to monitor patients, to submit reports every week, as well as open Public Health Emergency Operation Centre if the amount exceeds 75 micrograms per cubic metre over three days.
PM2.5 are atmospheric particulate matter having a diameter less than 2.5 micrometres.
“The prime minister, deputy prime minister, the Minister of Public Health and the Deputy Minister of Public Health are concerned about the PM2.5 dust particle problem and have appointed the Ministry of Public Health to cooperate with related authorities to tackle this problem,” he said.
“The Office of the Permanent Secretary is ready to open the Public Health Emergency Operation Centre at four levels -- in provinces, health zones, departments, and ministries.”

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