Online budget system expected to speed up funding process for sports associations


The implementation of the online budget application system will help develop the Thai sports scene, the National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) said.

A training programme was arranged for sports associations and the central SAT office at Crystal Design Center in Bangkok on Monday, while the training on Tuesday was for provincial sports associations and regional SAT offices.

The training aimed to help sports associations use the online system in applying for funds.

Nat Intharacharoen, who chaired NSDF’s subcommittee on sports development, said that the programme was developed to solve problems for national’s sports development, especially after sports associations fully accepted this.

He added that the online system will replace the document system, which will reduce the delay and lost document problems while the database could be made in the future. The process will be shorter, transparent and verifiable.

Meanwhile, NSDF manager Supranee Guptasa said that the training was successful as sports associations are fully determined to use the online system which will make the process faster and reduce the error.

Online budget system expected to speed up funding process for sports associations Online budget system expected to speed up funding process for sports associations Online budget system expected to speed up funding process for sports associations Online budget system expected to speed up funding process for sports associations Online budget system expected to speed up funding process for sports associations Online budget system expected to speed up funding process for sports associations Online budget system expected to speed up funding process for sports associations Online budget system expected to speed up funding process for sports associations