Presenters of ‘Morning Nation’ win award for concise reporting

Presenters of ‘Morning Nation’ win award for concise reporting

The pair, Pipoauh Poomkaewkra and Orakarn Jivakiet, receive the ‘best reporters’ award for always getting the facts right

“Morning Nation” presenters Pipoauh Poomkaewkra and Orakarn Jivakiet were recognised as “best reporters” at the “Maya TV Awards 2024” organised by Thai entertainment outlet Maya TV.

The ninth edition of the awards held at Crystal Design Centre in Bangkok’s Bang Kapi district on Sunday aimed to support and encourage entertainers to drive the Thai entertainment industry.

Pipoauh and Orakarn were honoured for reporting news and events to audiences clearly, while ensuring the accuracy of the facts.


Orakarn Jivakiet Orakarn Jivakiet

Orakarn thanked Maya TV Award, saying that the prize was a morale booster and supported their commitment to neutrally reporting facts beneficial to society.

Pipoauh Poomkaewkra Pipoauh Poomkaewkra

Pipoauh said he was proud of this valuable award and vowed to continue the pair’s duties as reporters to ensure maximum benefit to viewers. Pipoauh also thanked Nation Group executives and their fans for their support.


Presenters of ‘Morning Nation’ win award for concise reporting

“Morning Nation” goes out live on Nation TV 22 digital TV Monday to Friday from 8am to 9.57am.

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