Birth control pills now available​ for free through govt apps

Birth control pills now available​ for free through govt apps

Thai women aged 15-59 years can access oral birth control pills without cost at midwifery clinics, pharmacies, private hospitals, and primary care units in Bangkok, including at more than 2,500 locations across the country, Dr Jadet Thammathat-Aree, secretary-general of the National Health Security Office (NHSO), said on Tuesday.

Those having a mobile phone like a smartphone, can obtain birth control pills through the Paotang app, by selecting the service unit, and pick it up on the allotted date. In the case of those who do not have a smartphone, they can obtain the birth control pills by showing their ID card at the participating service units.

Each person can receive no more than three strips of pills per time and not more than 13 stripss per person per year.

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