Here’s some advice from the Health Department:
What you CAN take before the shot:
• Prescribed medication for chronic diseases like respiratory disorder, heart and blood vessels, kidney disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and weight-loss drugs.
• Blood thinners
• Paracetamol (can only be taken after the vaccine for pain)
What you CANNOT take before the shot:
• Cafergot or Relpax for migraine: It will make the heart palpitate, resulting in the contraction of blood vessels and a rise in blood pressure.
• Caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee: Caffeine will cause the same symptoms as above.
• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen, Arcoxia and Celebrex: Taking these drugs after the jab will reduce the efficacy of the vaccine.
• Inform the medic if you have a fever before you get your jab
• The second jab should be taken at least a month later
• People with immune system disorders should consult a doctor before getting a jab
• Do not refrain from eating or drinking fluids before the jab