15 habits key to defending yourself against Covid-19: Health Foundation

15 habits key to defending yourself against Covid-19: Health Foundation

The Thai Health Promotion Foundation has offered 15 new norms to help people survive daily life during the fresh wave of Covid-19.

The norms are based on evidence and lessons learned from the first wave of the crisis, according to the foundation’s Dr Pairoj Saonuam, who doubles as the acting director of the Healthy Lifestyle Promotion Bureau.

The new behaviours focus on simple hygiene practices that also bring a proven boost to all-round health. Research last year found that the Covid-19 new norms combat other diseases, with cases of influenza dropping by 92 per cent from 2019. Researchers also found the new behaviours cut alcohol and tobacco consumption. “If everyone follows the norms more diligently, we are confident the rewards will be worth it,” said Dr Pairoj.

The 15 new normal behaviours:

1. Asking yourself often, have I wash my hands yet?

2. Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds.

3. Drying hands immediately after washing to reduce contamination.

4. Wearing masks properly, covering both nose and mouth.

5. Washing fabric masks each day after use.

6. Keeping record of locations travelled to.

7. Quarantining immediately if you are at risk of infection.

8. Eating only cooked food.

9. Using alcohol cleanser to reduce pathogens.

10. Keeping distance of 1-2 metres from others.

11. Taking daily shower after returning home.

12. Being truthful and transparent, so others can plan to protect themselves.

13. Wearing a mask when talking to people.

14. Avoiding touching face, eyes, nose and mouth.

15. Maintaining good hygiene practice to prevent disease.

For more information, visit www.thaihealth.or.th.

Health Foundation new norms; After returning home, wash and change clothes immediately Health Foundation new norms; After returning home, wash and change clothes immediately

Health Foundation new norms; wash your fabric mask daily Health Foundation new norms; wash your fabric mask daily

Health Foundation new norms; eat only cooked food Health Foundation new norms; eat only cooked food Health Foundation new norms;use alcohol cleanser to reduce infection sources. Health Foundation new norms;use alcohol cleanser to reduce infection sources.

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