Seventy-five years have passed since thousands were slaughtered in the name of liberty. Standing, reflecting on the beaches of Normandy with one’s back to the sea is a gut-wrenching experience.
The youth of the US, the UK and their allies were cut to pieces in carnage that turned the sea red: all in the name of liberty. Yes, we will honour all those innocent young men who gave their lives. We’ll treasure their legacy, for which they spilled their blood. But our naivety, controlled by political correctness, blinds us to the fact they gave their lives in vain.
Carl Jung compared Adolf Hitler to the Prophet Muhammad, citing the fundamental totalitarian principles common to both. The threat of fascist invasion repulsed by our “expendable” youth in the 1940s is with us once more. The invading enemy this time is Islam. It is metastasising while posing as a peaceful religion. Nazism was short-lived. Islam has been on the attack for 1,400 years. Unlike Hitler’s fascism Islam seems to have the fearful blessing of America, the UK and our allies. Not only are we not repelling our self-declared anti-democratic enemy, but our establishment is passing laws protecting the ideology from criticism by our own people. It’s time we revived the spirit of D-Day in the name of liberty to respect those massacred on the beaches in 1944.
JC Wilcox