A plea to Australia, Thailand for aid in retrieving ‘kidnapped’ girl

A plea to Australia, Thailand for aid in retrieving ‘kidnapped’ girl

On September 19 last year, my four-year-old granddaughter – an Australian citizen with an Australian passport – was wrongfully taken from her home in Hong Kong by her mother to Thailand in contravention of a direct order of the Hong Kong District Court.

The court then ordered that my granddaughter be returned to Hong Kong “forthwith”. The mother ignored this. The District Court summonsed the mother to appear. The mother failed to appear and is now in contempt of court. We fear that she intends to take my granddaughter to her home country, Russia.
My son has seen his daughter four times in eight months for a total of 14 days. He has barely spoken to her despite numerous attempts for access. In order for him to see his daughter, her mother is making various demands, including payment of money and cessation of pending legal proceedings. I have not had contact with my granddaughter since January 5.
My son and his daughter are both Australian citizens and holders of Australian passports. Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Embassy in Thailand were rapidly alerted to this case. To this day, they have failed to act to protect this child. Their silence, inaction and apparent disinterest has been deafening. It has now been more than 250 days since my son’s daughter was wrongfully removed from her habitual residence. Once again, we appeal to the Thai and Australian government for assistance in this matter.
 Tracee Tromp
Victoria, Australia

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