Australia’s ‘miracle’ election puts Christianity back where it belongs

MONDAY, MAY 20, 2019
Australia’s ‘miracle’ election puts Christianity back where it belongs

Australia’s electorate has come of age.

 Voters on Saturday firmly rejected the Labor Party’s empty promises of wealth redistribution and a minimum-wage raise, together with the normal sabre-rattling about climate change. 
Most Labor leaders come from the trade unions. None has ever run a business. They can only beg or steal – mostly steal. In a country with a Labor bias, Scott Morrison won a miracle election victory. And he campaigned virtually alone. 
The voters recognised his sincerity and integrity and believed him. Morrison is a Christian, and in a forum “commandeered” by atheists, agnostics and others, his position as national leader puts Christianity firmly where it belongs, at the centre of national affairs. And he will govern with a majority. As the Bible says, “If God be for us, who can be against us.” 
Alf Haupt 
Chon Buri 

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