Both titles suggest neither author understands the meaning of atheism. Atheism is a disbelief not a belief. Atheists simply accept reality, and that does not require faith. Reality is perceived by human sentience. It is tangible, visible fact, not elusive fantasy.
Blind faith and the dependence on Belief rather than perceived facts is a parlous state of mind that lends itself to propaganda. Edward Bernays, the father of 20th-century propaganda asserted, “The conscious manipulation of the opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.”
It could be reasoned quite strongly that an atheist, not being prone to unfounded belief and therefore propaganda, retains his/her individual sovereignty and is not one of the “masses”. Is there not some fundamental irony here? God created each person in his own image as an individual. Even in Matthew 6.6 it says, and I paraphrase, a person should pray alone behind closed doors, not in public. So perhaps an atheist is more truly in the image of God than a believer in fantasy.
However, the greatest disappointment is to see Buddhism portrayed and practised as a religion when in fact there is no god or supernatural being in its origins. Lord Buddha taught awareness of oneself and of what IS; reality not fantasy. By definition Buddhism is
JC Wilcox